28/01/2019Text: Helena Hau
3/《September song》 - Walter Huston
《September song》是當時美國流行歌曲的標準,由Kurt Weill作曲、Maxwell Anderson填詞,於1938年被Walter Huston用於百老匯音樂劇《Knickerbocker Holiday》當中。
For it's a long-long while from May to December
And the days grow short when you reach September
And I have lost my teeth and I'm walking a little lame
Hey honey, I haven't got the time for any waiting game
隨著Walter Huston一字一句清晰的唱出歌詞,再配合歌曲古典優美的旋律,感覺有些像迪士尼電影中用音樂訴說故事。
《September song》 - Walter Huston
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