01/09/2023Text: Christy YiuPhoto: Oscar Wong
Hermès 2023秋冬配飾總覽:手袋、腕錶、珠寶新品率先看!超可愛Mini Médor 手袋、時尚實用Kelly Pocket、玩味復古絲巾
今季的珠寶配飾,同樣也充滿了鈕釘元素。Hermès Clou d’H系列靈感源自寵物項圈,以經典方錐飾釘,融會幾何線條,玫瑰金和混合純銀材質別具份量,從不同角度折射出靈動的光影效果。系列除了有手飾、手鐲,亦有項鍊、雙圈戒指及耳飾等等,變奏出不同造型,不論是知性還是型格風都能駕馭,可甜可鹽!
Hermès Clou d’H hand jewel in rose gold $598,000
Hermès Clou d’H long necklace in rose gold $164,400
Hermès Clou d’H bracelet in silver and rose gold $36,700
Hermès Clou d’H ring in silver and rose gold $14,000
#12 Météores系列
Météores以傳統「刀鋒」工藝串連玫瑰金絲與多種寶石和鑽石,流線型的設計,為造型添上優雅感覺;當中今季的新系列Planètes et Météores,再次把愛馬仕的精湛工藝推至高峰。四枚Planètes戒指也鑲嵌了長方、蛋面和橢圓形等彩色寶石,千變萬化的切割樣式、隨性的設計更顯奢華感覺,看著就如星球般閃爍耀眼。
左:Météores ring in rose gold, quartz, chalcedony, moonstone and diamonds $206,000
右:Météores bracelet in rose gold, quartz, tourmalines, moonstone and diamonds $331,700
左上: Planètes ring in rose gold, black jade, spessartite garnet, indigolite and tourmalines $948,000
右上: Planètes ring in rose gold, black jade, black spinel, moonstone, pink tourmaline, amethyst and brown diamond $825,000
左下: Planètes ring in rose gold, white agate, moonstone, chalcedony, tourmalines, rhodochrosite and diamonds $990,000
右下: Planètes ring in rose gold, natural agate, beryl, peridot, rhodochrosite and diamonds $742,000
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