【離職須知】辭職都要有體面!3步助你寫封得體辭職信! (附例句+範例)
求職信重要就人人皆知,但辭職信的重要性也不容忽視!世事無絕對,正所謂「山水有相逢」,也許他日有和對方「交手」的一天,可能是在其他場合相遇,又可能將來有求於對方,需要請求對方替你寫推薦信 (reference letter)。總而言之,辭職也要顧及體面,要處理得得體合宜,給僱主留下一個好印象。
Part 1: 辭職信三部曲 +(optional)説明離職原因
Step 1:交代職位、離職日期
Example 1:
● Please accept this letter as formal notification(正式通知) that I am resigning from (辭去)my position as Business Analyst with ABC Company. My last day will be 24 April 2020.
Example 2:
● Please accept this letter as notice that I will be resigning from my job here at ABC LTD. two weeks from today’s date.
離職原因 (Optional;非必要)
Reason 1: 轉工
• After much consideration(經過深思熟慮), I feel it is time to move on to new challenges(新的挑戰), and I will be working for a local non-profit organization. I am looking forward to the new direction (新方向)of my career, even though I will miss my work with you.
Reason 2:工作地點
• I was recently offered a new opportunity with a company headquartered very close to my home (總部位於我家附近)and have decided to take their offer.
Reason 3:家庭原因
• I am writing to inform you that I have no choice but to resign from my role at ABC LTD. Family circumstances (家庭情況)require my full attention at this time and leave me unable to continue in this role.
Step 2:禮貌地感謝公司的栽培
Example 1:
● Thank you for the support and the opportunities you have provided me over the course of the last three years. You and our team have created a climate (營造了一種氛圍) that makes it a pleasure to come to work (樂於上班)each morning, and I will miss you all.
Example 2:
● This was not an easy decision to make(這不是一個容易決定的決定), on my part. The past five years have been very rewarding. I've enjoyed working for you, observing how our production operations (生產運營) have expanded(擴展), and managing a very successful team dedicated to (致力於)a quality manufactured product (高質量的產品)delivered on time. Thank you for the professional and personal development you have assisted me with over the last five years.
Example 3:
● I would like to thank you for all of the great opportunities (寶貴機會)you have given me as an employee at Teens Magazine. I have learned so much about the magazine industry from working with my fellow employees and supervisors. I know the writing, analytical(分析的), and teamwork (團隊合作)skills I have developed while working at your company will be extremely useful at graduate school(研究生院).
Step 3 :交代交接安排+向公司送上祝福
Example 1:
● If I can be of any assistance during this transition in order to facilitate the seamless passing of my responsibilities to my successor, please let me know. I would be glad to help however I can. I wish you and ABC LTD. continued success, and I hope to stay in touch in the future.
Example 2:
● If I can do anything to help with your transition (交接/過渡)in finding and training my replacement, please let me know. I wish you and the company all the best. I do hope our paths cross again in the future.
Part 2: 辭職信範例
Dear Mr. Chan,
Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my position as Marketing Supervisor with Sunny Media. My last day will be Friday, April 30.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to work in this position for the past three years. I have greatly enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities I have had to grow our sales team, be a part of creating a great product, and work with my fellow colleagues. In these three years, I have learned so much about marketing strategy and the digital media space, which I will certainly take with me throughout my career. Thank you so much for the professional and personal development you have assisted me with over the last three years.
I will do everything possible (竭盡所能) to wrap up my duties and train other team members (培訓其他團隊成員) over the next two weeks. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help during this transition.
I wish the company continued success, and I hope to stay in touch in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Mirriam Lam
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