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  生命中最難學會的事情有兩件,一是處理悲傷,二是應對快樂。社會對於活在痛苦中的人多予同情,反而很少會幫助那些未能應對快樂的人。不過,這不是社會的責任,而是你的責任。成長。學習瀟灑,緊抱幸福如緊抱別人的誇獎恭維,接受一段關係的原貌而非「萬一」 的狀態。全天候監視伴侶只會令雙方筋疲力盡,相處講求的是事實而不是你的假設空想。要維持關係的長久,要給予它喘息的機會,給予他所需的空間。














Insecurity in Relationships


  “Insecurity” is the feeling of anxiety caused by a lack of self confidence. In relationship matters, insecurity wears disguises and may not be easily recognizable . Unrestrained,  the ensuing behavior becomes incrementally oppressive , it prevents us from building meaningful relationships, or much worse, it brings an otherwise promising relationship to an early demise. The 3 most common scenarios are :


Past Relationships


  Julia is forever in and out of relationships. Nothing lasts because within months, she will instinctively detect some potentially damaging “flaws” in her partner… Is she being ultra vigilant ? or simply unfortunate to have met so many rogues ?  Neither.  Haunted by the ghost of past bad relationships, she feels insecure, fearful that history might repeat itself. Now empowered by a new relationship, she feels validated & vindicated, unwisely misdirecting “imagined” grievances at the wrong person for the wrong reasons… 


  Anger and disappointments have deep roots, they tend to resurrect & germinate at the slightest provocation. Should you be that way inclined, make a conscious effort to remember that the present partner has NOTHING to do with your bygone wounds. Stop trying to right a past wrong, best to seek counseling and clean out your emotional baggage before embarking on  new relationships.


Present Relationships


  June was in a relationship with a handsome, successful and caring man and they were  initially very happy… Then she started calling him 6, 7 times a day … became antsy if he didn’t reply her whatsapp within 2 minutes…always needy, questioning where he was 24/7... Being “clingy”  is a sure sign of being insecure. “Everything is so perfect it is too good to last!” She started looking for things going wrong even when none existed. Eventually she preemptively broke up with him first rather than to risk the intolerable pain of him leaving her, even though he never had the slightest intention of doing so in the first place !


  The 2 hardest things to learn in life are the ability to handle grief and the ability to handle happiness. Society tends to be sympathetic with people in anguish. There is little help for those who cannot handle happiness. But then it really isn’t society’s responsibility, it’s yours. Grow up. Learn to be gracious, embrace happiness like you would a compliment, accept the relationship for what it is and not “what if ? ” Indefatigable monitoring is exhausting, live with facts and not assumptions . For your relationship to survive and thrive, allow it to breathe and give him space.


Future Relationships


  May, a homely 48 year old client, keeps on rejecting perfectly good men we send her way. He is too young, too old, too tall, too short… so many excuses. Is she being overly picky perhaps? No, she is just deeply insecure. May has been dreaming about having a relationship for so long that when she is finally on the verge of possibly meeting someone, instead of welcoming opportunities, she flinches for fear of rejection.


  If you tend to behave likewise, imagine yourself learning to ride a bike or learning to swim. Yes, you will fall and it will hurt, and you will be swallowing a lot of chlorine water too… but the wounds will heal, and accumulative experience will reduce falling and swallowing…The process of learning is not uniquely yours, millions of people go through such experiences & prevail. So will you.  As Alfred Lord Tennyson says,  “’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”. 


  The normal mechanisms of any relationship consist of ebbs and flows, moments of intimacy with a twosome and privacy of a lonesome. There is no perfect couple and no perfect relationship because we are not perfect. A good relationship is where both are imperfect in complementary ways. 


  If you are afflicted by insecurity, instead of looking for what is not working in your relationships, try looking for signs of what is.




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