Summary of listed companies announcements (5)
Code Company Summary
00931 CHINA HK POWER Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Interim/Half-Year Report)
00933 VIVA GOODS Announcements and Notices - (Connected Transaction / Share Transact
ion / Announcement by Offeror Company under the Takeovers Code / Gr
oup Restructuring or Scheme of Arrangement / Issue of Shares under
a Specific Mandate)
00941 CHINA MOBILE Announcements and Notices - (Other - Trading Update)
00941 CHINA MOBILE Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Oth
00947 MOBI DEV Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
00948 ALPHA PRO HLDGS Circulars
00948 ALPHA PRO HLDGS Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Interim/Half-Year Report)
00978 CHI MER LAND Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction)
00989 HUA YIN INTL H Circulars
00989 HUA YIN INTL H Financial Statements/ESG Information - (Interim/Half-Year Report)
01024 KUAISHOU-W Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback / Others)
01025 KNT HOLDINGS Announcements and Notices - (Closure of Books or Change of Book Clo
sure Period / Rights Issue / Trading Arrangements (other than Chang
e in Board Lot Size))
01047 NGAI HING HONG Announcements and Notices - (Change in Share Registrar/Transfer Age
01047 NGAI HING HONG Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
01047 NGAI HING HONG Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities / Change of Audit Committee M
ember / Change of Remuneration Committee Member)
01050 KARRIE INT'L Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
01068 YURUN FOOD Announcements and Notices - (Continuing Connected Transaction)
01071 HUADIAN POWER Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Boa
rd/Supervisory Board Resolutions)
01071 HUADIAN POWER Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities)
01071 HUADIAN POWER Announcements and Notices - (Notice of EGM/SGM / Re-election or App
ointment of Director subject to Shareholders' Approval / Closure of
Books or Change of Book Closure Period)
01088 CHINA SHENHUA Announcements and Notices - (Results of EGM/SGM)
01088 CHINA SHENHUA Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
01088 CHINA SHENHUA Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Boa
rd/Supervisory Board Resolutions)
01088 CHINA SHENHUA Announcements and Notices - (Overseas Regulatory Announcement - Cor
porate Governance Related Matters)
01088 CHINA SHENHUA Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities)
01090 DA MING INT'L Announcements and Notices - (Profit Warning / Inside Information)
01090 DA MING INT'L Announcements and Notices - (List of Directors and their Role and F
01090 DA MING INT'L Announcements and Notices - (Change in Directors or of Important Ex
ecutive Functions or Responsibilities / Change of Audit Committee M
ember / Change of Remuneration Committee Member)
01093 CSPC PHARMA Next Day Disclosure Returns - (Share Buyback)
01093 CSPC PHARMA Announcements and Notices - (Other - Business Update)
01098 ROAD KING INFRA Announcements and Notices - (Change in Share Registrar/Transfer Age
01115 TIBET WATER Announcements and Notices - (Issue of Convertible Securities / Issu
e of Shares under a General Mandate)
01129 WATER IND-NEW Listing Documents - (Other)
01129 WATER IND-NEW Listing Documents - (Rights Issue)
01132 ORANGE SKY G H Announcements and Notices - (Connected Transaction / Discloseable T
# in ascending order of company codes, for further information, please visit HKEx news