[ET Net News Agency, 18 December 2024] Shares of HKGB RIB 2712 (04286) opened at
HK$100.1 in its first trading day, or less than 0.1% higher than its offer price of
HK$100. (ed)
18/12/2024 09:30
{New Stock}HKGB RIB 2712(04286) opens up 0.1% at HK$100.1
[ET Net News Agency, 18 December 2024] Shares of HKGB RIB 2712 (04286) opened at
HK$100.1 in its first trading day, or less than 0.1% higher than its offer price of
HK$100. (ed)
Previous︰18/12/2024 16:08 {New Stock}HKGB RIB 2712(04286) ends up 0.2% at HK$100.2
Next︰18/12/2024 08:00 New Listings Memorandum
19/12/2024 08:00 New Listings Memorandum
18/12/2024 18:35 {New Stock}HERBS GROUP(02593) ends up 27.73% on grey market
18/12/2024 16:20 {New Stock}HERBS GROUP up 30.13% at HK$4.88 on grey market
17/12/2024 18:35 {New Stock}HKGB RIB 2712(04286) ends up 0.1% on grey market
17/12/2024 16:20 {New Stock}HKGB RIB 2712 down 0.2% at HK$99.8 on grey market